Monday, 19 June 2017

On page SEO Technique to rank on the first page-2017

You probably know that Google Changs its algo. and ranked only those sites who follow google guidelines and satisfy users. Now, Google doesn’t only consider On-Page SEO score when ranking an article. It also takes into account many other factors like social media signals (shares, likes, tweets, follows, etc.), backlinks, domain authority, and many other off-page metrics. The latest SEO technique and tricks given by great SEO Experts in the industriy. It’s the right time of the year to evaluate your SEO strategy and examine the best ways to improve it during 2017

On page SEO

Why are you not ranking on the first page of search results?

Well, there are likely a lot of reasons, but if you aren’t paying attention to SEO, then that’s probably the biggest reason.
So when we do SEO-Optimization of a post, we follow a certain set of proven methods to rank it higher on a search engine.
  1. Improve user experience. 
  2. Heading Tags
  3. Ensure that readers coming from search engines spend a lot of time on your site.
  4. Post Permalink Structure
  5. Create good content.
  6. Blog Post Title
  7. Keyword Density
  8. Meta Tags
  9. Images
  10. Word Count Per Post
  11. Internal Linking
  12. External Linking
  13. Write Engaging Content